log - geocad - iching

logs and notes

view by tag: websdr, cad, svg, ipfs, rockets, freeware, portable_apps, geocad, links, gis, webmaster, tutorials, hmeath, p2p, recordings

would really like to have these all in a playlist

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-07T02 12 47Z_3675.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-07T02 19 54Z_3675.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-07T02 26 48Z_3684.1kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-07T02 29 52Z_3572.9kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-07T02 32 21Z_8990.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-07T02 34 35Z_3576.1kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-07T02 48 12Z_4886.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-07T03 30 53Z_4523.1kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-07T03 34 31Z_1028.6kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-07T03 40 55Z_3704.9kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-07T03 41 18Z_3704.9kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-07T03 43 06Z_3705.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-07T03 47 56Z_5955.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-07T03 52 30Z_1008.1kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-07T03 56 39Z_3955.1kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-11T02 36 58Z_1690.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-11T02 38 41Z_1690.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-11T02 39 10Z_1690.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-11T02 58 19Z_474.4kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-13T03 18 30Z_5950.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-03-13T03 19 29Z_5950.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-04-10T17 17 02Z_9400.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-04-10T17 27 41Z_9535.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-04-10T17 53 53Z_7015.5kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-04-10T17 56 37Z_13500.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-04-10T17 59 31Z_7055.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-04-10T18 00 32Z_7055.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-04-10T18 01 20Z_7055.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-04-10T18 05 23Z_10468.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-04-12T01 23 43Z_656.7kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-04-12T01 26 34Z_1098.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-05-04T03 19 23Z_1408.7kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-05-04T03 26 11Z_15120.7kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-05-04T03 28 41Z_1098.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-05-31T01 37 15Z_9535.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-12-04T23 57 30Z_629.3kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-12-04T23 59 37Z_881.6kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-12-05T00 25 00Z_1098.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2022-12-05T00 33 12Z_6099.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2023-02-20T03 51 24Z_630.0kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2023-04-25T02 35 13Z_1824.4kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2023-07-24T01 49 12Z_981.4kHz.wav

websdr_recording_start_2023-07-24T01 53 42Z_529.2kHz.wav

.:. recordings 2023-10-29 13:11:18 UTC

i don't know how to succesfully corrupt a hard drive such that the songs all get mixed together but are still playable. but i did

crap it's too corrupt for html audio player, here's the mp3 if you can trust a random internet person. right click/saveas

.:. recordings 2022-01-05 03:29:48

now geocad will have 3d functions

.:. geocad 2022-04-11-201038

.:. geocad 2022-03-07-195830

how does bit torrent work? can we share web pages that way? would it have to be static content only? how would updating work?

look more into these things: 'A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol
designed to preserve and grow humanity's knowledge
by making the web upgradeable, resilient, and more open.'

wiki on p2p

ooh found this big list of legal media sources, hope there's something good

.:. ipfs, p2p 2022-02-22-210650

open GIS links to read later

SVG maps using the D3, let's make a map

using blender GIS youtube

using blender CAD (7$) youtube

using blender precision modeling youtube

.:. gis, cad, svg, tutorials, links 2022-02-19-102549

i've finished the xfiles so i can return to fixing my laptop

found out i can get most of the apps i am reloading into my laptop from the same place -

i've always preferred downloading programs that don't need to "be installed". to be able to have a hard drive full of programs ready to go on any windows machine is pretty nice. there are dozens of programs that i've used over the years and dozens more to look into.

i've looked into the forums trying to figure out a portable winamp

actually the newest app they have today is Zettlr, a markdown application that is exactly what I have been looking for and what I am writing this post in now.

the4thlol.png marble, similar to a google earth, doesn't seem to want to run the online maps. thought this might be a fix but no cigar. want this to work. an open source earth globe model is really exciting to me. will get back to this

.:. freeware, portable_apps 2022-02-14 03:20:03 UTC

rockets powered with water

2 stage water rocket projects

steam engine satellite thruster

steam rocket thruster

.:. rockets 2022-01-05 03:29:48

.:. recordings 2022-01-05 03:29:48


Wide-band WebSDR in Enschede, the Netherlands

you can listen to other people's SDR radio over the web

here are some recordings i was able to get using the websdr record button

.:. recordings, websdr 2021-12-30 02:04:41

how to draw ellipses and other weird geometree in cad

.:. hmeath 2021-12-15 04:42:14

currently have the logs working in a crude sense.

next: sort by date created or updated

next next: make some logs and lists

.:. webmaster 2021-12-13 04:19:17

deleted the wrong folders making room to download xfiles. gotta reset my laptop.

here's a list of programs i will want to reinstall and they're all free. will return to this and add links and such

.:. freeware 2021-12-09 15:12:57 v1

here is what i have so far for this log making machine.

import markdown
md = markdown.Markdown(extensions = ['meta', 'attr_list'])
import os

class WebPage:
    _header_template = '../templates/header.txt'
    _footer_template = '../templates/footer.txt'
    _save_path = '../../log/{0}.html'

    def __init__(self, page_name):
        self.tags = []
        with open(WebPage._header_template, 'r') as template:
            self._header =
        with open(WebPage._footer_template, 'r') as template:
            self._footer =
        self._page_name = page_name
        self._body = ''

    def _generate_body(self):
        with open(logpath + self._page_name + '.txt', 'r') as file:
            content = md.convert(
        link_tags = self._generate_link_tags()
        date = self._get_date()
        return '<section>' + content + '<a href="' + self._page_name + '.html">.:.</a> ' + link_tags + date + '</section>'

    def _generate_link_tags(self):
        if 'tags' in md.Meta:
            self.tags = md.Meta['tags'][0].split(', ')
            anchor_tag = '<a href="{0}.html">{0}</a>'
            anchors = [anchor_tag.format(tag) for tag in self.tags]
            return ', '.join(anchors)
            return ''

    def _get_date(self):
        if 'date' in md.Meta:
            return ' ' + md.Meta['date'][0]
            return ''

    def as_html(self):
        return self._header + self._body + self._footer

    def body(self):
        return self._body

    def write_to_file(self):
        with open(WebPage._save_path.format(self._page_name), 'w') as file:

def search_page(list, key, value):
  for item in list:
    if item[key] == value:
      return item['webpage']

logpath = '../md/'
logpile = sorted(os.listdir(logpath))
logbook = []
blog = ''
tag_list = set()

# convert each log

for log in logpile:
  fullpath = os.path.join(logpath, log)

  if os.path.isdir(fullpath): 
    filetype = log.split('.')[-1]
    pagename = log.split('.')[0]

  if filetype == 'txt':
    logbook.append({'name': pagename, 'webpage': WebPage(pagename)})

# make each individual page

for page in logbook:
    page['webpage']._body = page['webpage']._generate_body()
    page['page_tags'] = page['webpage'].tags
    blog += '\n\n' + page['webpage']._body

# add all blogs to an index

linked_tags = ['<a href="{0}.html">{0}</a>'.format(tag) for tag in tag_list]
index_intro = '<h2>logs of geouniversal</h2>view by tag: ' + ', '.join((linked_tags))
logbook.append({'name': 'index', 'webpage': WebPage('index')})
index = search_page(logbook, 'name', 'index')
index._body = '<section>' + index_intro + '</section>' + blog

# make page for each tag

for tag in tag_list:
  logbook.append({'name': tag, 'webpage': WebPage(tag)})
  new_tag_page = search_page(logbook, 'name', tag)
  for page in logbook:
    if tag in page['webpage'].tags:
      new_tag_page._body += page['webpage']._body 
.:. webmaster

i am the static

Image not found: img/sortastatic.gif

.:. hmeath 2020 12 06