acad commands
MTEXTCOLUMN = 0 sets mtext to no columns by default
MAPCLEAN a nifty little window pops up to help with things like cleaning up zero geometry and converting geometry types for you
RTEXT remote text from a text file, cannot edit in program. will try this out
EXOFFSET offset with extra options - offset to new layer - round corners
VPSYNC make multiple viewports align with each other
MAPIOPTIONS go to general tab, uncheck Shift+left click for image select
.:. 2023-12-16 16:05:00 UTC cadopen GIS links to read later
SVG maps using the D3, let's make a map
using blender GIS youtube
using blender CAD (7$) youtube
using blender precision modeling youtube
.:. 2022-02-19-102549 gis, cad, svg, tutorials, links