log - geocad - iching

acad commands

MTEXTCOLUMN = 0 sets mtext to no columns by default

MAPCLEAN a nifty little window pops up to help with things like cleaning up zero geometry and converting geometry types for you

RTEXT remote text from a text file, cannot edit in program. will try this out

EXOFFSET offset with extra options - offset to new layer - round corners

VPSYNC make multiple viewports align with each other

MAPIOPTIONS go to general tab, uncheck Shift+left click for image select

.:. 2023-12-16 16:05:00 UTC cad

i don't know how to succesfully corrupt a hard drive such that the songs all get mixed together but are still playable. but i did

crap it's too corrupt for html audio player, here's the mp3 if you can trust a random internet person. right click/saveas

.:. 2022-01-05 03:29:48 recordings

now geocad will have 3d functions

.:. 2022-04-11-201038 geocad

.:. 2022-03-07-195830 geocad

how does bit torrent work? can we share web pages that way? would it have to be static content only? how would updating work?

look more into these things: 'A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol
designed to preserve and grow humanity's knowledge
by making the web upgradeable, resilient, and more open.'

wiki on p2p

ooh found this big list of legal media sources, hope there's something good

.:. 2022-02-22-210650 ipfs, p2p

open GIS links to read later

SVG maps using the D3, let's make a map

using blender GIS youtube

using blender CAD (7$) youtube

using blender precision modeling youtube

.:. 2022-02-19-102549 gis, cad, svg, tutorials, links

i've finished the xfiles so i can return to fixing my laptop

found out i can get most of the apps i am reloading into my laptop from the same place -

i've always preferred downloading programs that don't need to "be installed". to be able to have a hard drive full of programs ready to go on any windows machine is pretty nice. there are dozens of programs that i've used over the years and dozens more to look into.

i've looked into the forums trying to figure out a portable winamp

actually the newest app they have today is Zettlr, a markdown application that is exactly what I have been looking for and what I am writing this post in now.

the4thlol.png marble, similar to a google earth, doesn't seem to want to run the online maps. thought this might be a fix but no cigar. want this to work. an open source earth globe model is really exciting to me. will get back to this

.:. 2022-02-14 03:20:03 UTC freeware, portable_apps

rockets powered with water

2 stage water rocket projects

steam engine satellite thruster

steam rocket thruster

.:. 2022-01-05 03:29:48 rockets

.:. 2022-01-05 03:29:48 recordings


Wide-band WebSDR in Enschede, the Netherlands

you can listen to other people's SDR radio over the web

here are some recordings i was able to get using the websdr record button

.:. 2021-12-30 02:04:41 recordings, websdr

how to draw ellipses and other weird geometree in cad

.:. 2021-12-15 04:42:14 hmeath

currently have the logs working in a crude sense.

next: sort by date created or updated

next next: make some logs and lists

.:. 2021-12-13 04:19:17 webmaster

deleted the wrong folders making room to download xfiles. gotta reset my laptop.

here's a list of programs i will want to reinstall and they're all free. will return to this and add links and such

.:. 2021-12-09 15:12:57 freeware v1

here is what i have so far for this log making machine.

import markdown
md = markdown.Markdown(extensions = ['meta', 'attr_list'])
import os

class WebPage:
    _header_template = '../templates/header.txt'
    _footer_template = '../templates/footer.txt'
    _save_path = '../../log/{0}.html'

    def __init__(self, page_name):
        self.tags = []
        with open(WebPage._header_template, 'r') as template:
            self._header =
        with open(WebPage._footer_template, 'r') as template:
            self._footer =
        self._page_name = page_name
        self._body = ''

    def _generate_body(self):
        with open(logpath + self._page_name + '.txt', 'r') as file:
            content = md.convert(
        link_tags = self._generate_link_tags()
        date = self._get_date()
        return '<section>' + content + '<a href="' + self._page_name + '.html">.:.</a> ' + link_tags + date + '</section>'

    def _generate_link_tags(self):
        if 'tags' in md.Meta:
            self.tags = md.Meta['tags'][0].split(', ')
            anchor_tag = '<a href="{0}.html">{0}</a>'
            anchors = [anchor_tag.format(tag) for tag in self.tags]
            return ', '.join(anchors)
            return ''

    def _get_date(self):
        if 'date' in md.Meta:
            return ' ' + md.Meta['date'][0]
            return ''

    def as_html(self):
        return self._header + self._body + self._footer

    def body(self):
        return self._body

    def write_to_file(self):
        with open(WebPage._save_path.format(self._page_name), 'w') as file:

def search_page(list, key, value):
  for item in list:
    if item[key] == value:
      return item['webpage']

logpath = '../md/'
logpile = sorted(os.listdir(logpath))
logbook = []
blog = ''
tag_list = set()

# convert each log

for log in logpile:
  fullpath = os.path.join(logpath, log)

  if os.path.isdir(fullpath): 
    filetype = log.split('.')[-1]
    pagename = log.split('.')[0]

  if filetype == 'txt':
    logbook.append({'name': pagename, 'webpage': WebPage(pagename)})

# make each individual page

for page in logbook:
    page['webpage']._body = page['webpage']._generate_body()
    page['page_tags'] = page['webpage'].tags
    blog += '\n\n' + page['webpage']._body

# add all blogs to an index

linked_tags = ['<a href="{0}.html">{0}</a>'.format(tag) for tag in tag_list]
index_intro = '<h2>logs of geouniversal</h2>view by tag: ' + ', '.join((linked_tags))
logbook.append({'name': 'index', 'webpage': WebPage('index')})
index = search_page(logbook, 'name', 'index')
index._body = '<section>' + index_intro + '</section>' + blog

# make page for each tag

for tag in tag_list:
  logbook.append({'name': tag, 'webpage': WebPage(tag)})
  new_tag_page = search_page(logbook, 'name', tag)
  for page in logbook:
    if tag in page['webpage'].tags:
      new_tag_page._body += page['webpage']._body 
.:. 2021-12-06 12:05:58 webmaster

2021 05 15

post and get with nodejs

make a form for date, subject, and body. saves to .txt? save in json format?

use this same idea to save and edit a tabled list

.:. n, u, l, l

2021 05 01

making some good progress on this webmaker

to do before uploading: - reformat most pages to markdown - reset links/imgs all pages (still need to fix space.html imgs and links) - add in classes for elements - github - still static html - index - sitemap - links - taichi - noaa - not found - apps and photos

still to do: - insert titles from txt file name or meta:desc - sitemap maker - fix link page maker - table of contents maker - better notes and blog system - tags from meta not just thrown in - photo album maker - clean up all apps - media page

.:. 2021 05 01 notes, site, web, life

2021 04 00

web, api

getting news from wikipedia via api?

how to use this api thing to get articles from wikipedia to show up on a page?, will get back to this

web, markdown

running some tests using node to convert markdown. js is always less intimidating when it's over

webmaster.html just tests so far, will add more

getting the hang of this, just gotta rewrite everything into markdown, maybe not everything but most things


this might be my last manual blog post, hopefully have this a little more automated next month.

just finished year one of survey school. summer break, summer jobs, summer love

.:. 2021 04 00 notes, site, web, life

2021 03 00


still tweaking the page styles for this site before i overhaul all the html and make a consistant web layout. i've also been looking into markdown and really enjoy writing with it. this lead down a rabbit hole of static site generators and different approaches to go from markdown (plaintext) to markup (html).

i think the route i like is using node to take a folder full of markdown files and convert them into html.

store markdown articles in a database/folder
store html, css, and js templates in database/folder
parse/convert markdown to html
store html file in database/folder

ideally i would like to have a database/folder tree of txt files, media and templates that i manage instead of all these html files. focus on content instead of tedious bits.

tag idea list: - geo, cad, gis - project, idea, log - materials, technology - circuits, power - radio, ham, signals - cpu, hardware, software - web, server, - art, webvr, photos, words


played with a-frame for the first time in a while. i found i can model in autocad and export to a STL file, open this in blender, save as gtlf file and embed this in an a-frame scene.

got a general idea for a link world, every door takes you to a different webvr world. still have to do a lot to make thing more stable and easy to manage


.:. 2021 03 00 notes, site, vr, ideapool

i am the static

an animation of patterned static

.:. 2020 12 06 hmeath

2021 02 00


backed up R52 thinkpad windows XP to an IMG file, installed raspberry pi OS to learn more about using linux and have a dedicated machine for talking to my raspberries.

the first thing i tried to set up was an SDR program to use my RTLSDR. i actually forget the results and resources used here, will come back and add more about this

i lost a lot of the links that helped me along the way but will try to build this into something i can follow when i inevitably break it and have to start over

.:. 2021 02 00 notes, tech

2021 01 25


should start a geo log for survey, cad, gis

how to modify coordinate systems in autocad civil3d:


search nova scotia 2010

duplicate zone 5

remove "2" at start of false easting


.:. 2021 01 25 notes, site

2020 12 06


crap doing a dated notebook makes me
strangely aware of time all of a sudden

to-do: start a raspberry pi/micro controller page - move all notes from radio/cpu pages to there - find inspiration and time to start aduino - control motors and gears with a computer already

(will always be rearranging this order) geouniversal materia materials and chemistry artifacts tech and components circuits electro signals sensors and data cpu processing and memory trajectory rockets and orbits space navigation star maps and solar system models

made a little time to work on schematics
would like to have a lot more on here
plus pictures of them (not?) working

work/school/other work/radio/hermitage prep

.:. 2020 12 06 notes, site

2020 11 25

site, code

space.js - model data - geometry - units - reference systems - motion - gravity - rendering - interface

planetary geology map

.:. 2020 11 25 notes, site

2020 11 23

trying to start a web log again, see how long this lasts

current site map and hot ideas:
- home page - links - geouniversal - materia - machines - circuits - add in schematics - signals - cpu - space - radio - maybe make a satellites page? - noaa-log - add newest day? - web - cmd v3 - i forgot about this, hmm - iching - fix it, check on all platforms - js archive - midnite - add more photo pages - about

- figure out mobile vs desktop text size and pre text size - upload more photos - fix a bunch of text - go to bed right now

and image inverter / archive found negatives:

function updateImage(amount) {
  var inverttest = document.getElementById("inverttest"); = "invert(" + amount/100 + ")";

  debug.innerHTML = amount;


.:. 2020 11 23 notes, site