log - geocad - iching

2020 11 23

trying to start a web log again, see how long this lasts

current site map and hot ideas:
- home page - links - geouniversal - materia - machines - circuits - add in schematics - signals - cpu - space - radio - maybe make a satellites page? - noaa-log - add newest day? - web - cmd v3 - i forgot about this, hmm - iching - fix it, check on all platforms - js archive - midnite - add more photo pages - about

- figure out mobile vs desktop text size and pre text size - upload more photos - fix a bunch of text - go to bed right now

and image inverter / archive found negatives:

function updateImage(amount) {
  var inverttest = document.getElementById("inverttest"); = "invert(" + amount/100 + ")";

  debug.innerHTML = amount;


.:. 2020 11 23 notes, site